Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia

Rearrangements of the immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) gene

Monoquant uses the method for determining the repertoire of IGH rearrangements described by Brisco, et. al. in J Mol Diag 11 (2009) 194. This method enables detection and sequencing of major and minor IGH rearrangements, provided that the size of each rearrangement is greater than approximately 0.1% of all rearrangements.

If the requesting laboratory itself wishes to isolate and sequence the IGH rearrangements, Monoquant provides a kit comprising amplification primers and two 96 well plates containing individual V region primers. This kit will enable study of one patient sample, the second plate being a backup. The cost of the kit is A$200.

Alternatively, if the requesting laboratory prefers, Monoquant will perform the isolation and sequencing of the IGH rearrangements in a sample. The patient sample can be blood or marrow collected into EDTA or citrate, or it can be isolated DNA. The cost of this service is A$600.

Quantification of minimal residual disease (MRD) in B lineage ALL

Monoquant uses the sensitive and specific quantification method described by Morley, et. al. in J Mol Diag 11 (2009) 201.

A sample of the diagnosis DNA is required in addition to the sample to be quantified. These samples can be blood or marrow collected into EDTA or citrate, or they can be extracted DNA. One, or more than one, IGH rearrangement can be quantified. It is anticipated that, in most cases, the sequence of the marker rearrangement will have been determined by Monoquant as above, but quantification can also be based on sequence information provided by the requesting laboratory.

The cost of MRD quantification for the initial sample quantified is A$300 for quantification of one marker, and A$150 for quantification of each additional marker. The cost for MRD quantification for subsequent samples is A$250 for quantification of one marker, and A$100 for quantification of each additional marker.

For further details, please contact Professor Alec Morley at

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